Welcome to the Homepage of Weka Proper!

The Propositionalization Toolbox for Weka
WEKA Proper is open source software issued under the GNU General Public License.
It contains RELAGGS, a propositionalization tool developed by Mark-A. Krogel at the Otto-von-Guericke-Universität in Magdeburg/Germany (many thanks!!!).

Citing WEKA Proper

If you want to refer to WEKA Proper in a publication, please cite the paper for AI2004. The full citation is:
"P. Reutemann, B. Pfahringer, E. Frank. (2004) Proper: A Toolbox for Learning from Relational Data with Propositional and Multi-Instance Learners. 17th Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AI2004). Springer-Verlag."

Please choose one of the following:
  • Downloads
    The java sources and datasets used for operating Weka Proper.
    Requirements are: For Windows also:
    • cygwin (bash for Win32) >= 1.5.5-1

  • ARFF-Files
    ARFF-Files that were generated with the Toolbox, ready to work on with Weka.

  • Datasets
    Here you can find the web resources of the datasets that are part of Weka Proper, if you want the original ones and/or additional informations about the datasets.

Last Updated: 25.04.2005