Errata (Last Printing of the 1st Edition)

This page lists known errors in the latest, fourth printing (October 2001) of the book "Data Mining: Practical Machine Learning Tools and Techniques with Java Implementations" by Ian H. Witten and Eibe Frank (1st edition).

A list of (additional) errors in the first printing can be found here.

Chapter 1

Page 17
    Line -6: "17 disease categories" should be "19 disease categories"
    (reported by Michael Schmitt, Fakultaet fuer Mathematik, Ruhr-Universitaet Bochum, February 2004)
Page 29
    Line 5 : "for weather" should be "for windy"
    (reported by Quan Qiu, October 2005)

Chapter 2

Page 47
    Line 11: "3684" should be "3884"
    (reported by Quan Qiu, May 2005)

Chapter 4

Page 96
    Table 4.7: "gain ratio: 0.029/1.362" should be "gain ratio: 0.029/1.557" and "0.021" should be "0.019"
    (reported by Chiung-Wei Huang, Department of Electronic Engineering, Ching-Yun Institute of Technology, December 2002)
Page 103
    Line -3: "third line from" should be "line at"
    (reported by Lin Dong, September 2005)
Page 105
    Line -11 : "first row" should be "first two rows", and "shows" should be "show"
    (reported by Lin Dong, September 2005)
Page 105
    Line -9 : "mild" should be "hot"
    (reported by Lin Dong, September 2005)
Page 107
    Line 8: "4/12" should be "4/14"
    (reported by Xie Xuanyang, Department of Computer Science, University of Science and Technology of China, December 2004)
Page 108
    Line -5: "minumum" should be "minimum"
    (reported by Michael Schmitt, Fakultaet fuer Mathematik, Ruhr-Universitaet Bochum, February 2004)

Chapter 5

Page 125
    Line 9: "0.0.881" should be "0.881"

Chapter 6

Page 181
    Line -6 : "building it incrementally by adding conjunctions" should be "pruning a rule incrementally by removing conjunctions"
    (reported by Lin Dong, July 2005)
Page 182
    Lines -4--5 : "However, if during backtracking a node is encountered all of whose children are not leaves" should be "However, if during backtracking a node is encountered not all of whose children expanded so far are leaves"
    (reported by Lin Dong, July 2005)
Page 188
    Line 2: "krantz" should be "kranz"
    (reported by Johannes Fürnkranz, December 2005)
Page 189
    Line 16 : "eight weights" should be "ten weights"
    (reported by Lin Dong, May 2005)
Page 193
    Lines 16-17 : "no hidden layers" should be "one hidden layer"
Page 218
    Line 13 : the exponent is missing a minus sign before the fraction (reported by Lin Dong, January 2006)
Page 219
    Lines 5-6 : "minimum" should be "maximum".
    (reported by Lin Dong, July 2005)

Chapter 7

Page 239
    Lines -17 and -18: ", and true otherwise" should be deleted and "are set to false" should be "are set to true"
    (reported by Lin Dong, August 2005)
Page 263
    Line -8: "the X^2 test" should be "the $\chi^2$ test"
    (reported by Michael Schmitt, Fakultaet fuer Mathematik, Ruhr-Universitaet Bochum, February 2004)

Chapter 8

Page 286
    Line 37: "weka.classifiers.bagging" should be "weka.classifiers.Bagging"


Page 343
    Line -8: "krantz" should be "kranz"
    (reported by Johannes Fürnkranz, December 2005)


Page 365
    "resubstitution error 129" should be "resubstitution error 121, 129"
    (reported by Michael Schmitt, Fakultaet fuer Mathematik, Ruhr-Universitaet Bochum, February 2004)